Thank you, Jessica

Brainstorm Days

A brainstorm session for all isogenists.


We are excited to welcome you to:

The Isogeny Club - Brainstorm Days!

This event is a two-day affiliated event at Eurocrypt 2025, hosted in Madrid, Spain, and will take place on Saturday, May 3, and Sunday, May 4.

Registration will be via the Eurocrypt 2025 registration process (with the usual options to register for the individual workshop days only or for workshops + main conference).

This event will consist of two parts:

If there are too many proposed ideas in the morning for the number of working groups, we will hold a vote to select the ideas to work on.


We welcome everyone to submit an idea! There are no bad ideas, and we value all ideas, regardless of academic merit.

If you have an idea for a research question you would like to present, please send a PDF to

containing the following information:

The deadline for submission of ideas is

Wednesday, April 30th, 23.59 CEST.

Please let us know in advance if you want to present your idea using slides instead of on a blackboard.


There will be two coffee breaks (30 mins each) and one lunch break (60 mins) on both Saturday and Sunday, with food/drinks provided in the foyers of the main building.



Submit your ideas to here

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